About Me

My name is ███████ ███████. I write and produce the Consumer Tactical Study.

I enjoy studying military history, theory, tactical gear and guns as well as training. I also occasionally enjoy playing tactical war games ▃ via airsoft. I strive very much to use my acquired knowledge to destroy enemy on the game battlefield.

My military experience consist of ██████ ███████ ███████ ██ ████████ ███████ ██ ███████ █████ ████████ ██ █████████.

Consumer Tactical Study is my personal take on things military and tactical – I use this blog to share the stuff that I am studying or studied in the past for myself.

In this blog and in my books I sometimes use aggressive language. That is for entertainment purposes only – in fact I do not encourage nor support any violence or any other inappropriate behavior in any way.

I hope you enjoy my takes.

P.S. To contact me, my email address is info@tacticalstudy.com. I will do my best to read your email as I love getting it, but do not promise to reply soon if at all. Please do not take it personally.

Redacted – the text was intentionally redacted